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12 Smart Tips On Money Management For Students Abroad

personal finance for recent college graduates

The benefits and drawbacks of studying abroad are well-documented. It is a wonderful chance for a student to take advantage of the possibility to study at a reputable college in another country. In the middle of all of this enthusiasm, there’s the issue of a massive financial investment that’ll drain your bank account. It’s a fun event, but it’ll set you back a pretty penny. One of the most difficult aspects of studying abroad is managing your own finances. You’ll be in a new nation with a distinct banking system, currency, and pricing techniques.

Studying and living in another country will undoubtedly assist you in maturing as a person and moving closer to adulthood. However, you will need to learn the art of personal money management, which requires a lot of patience, maturity, perseverance, and self-awareness.

Money Management For Students Abroad

Here is a list of suggestions for managing your personal finances as effectively as possible while studying abroad, in order to prevent stressful circumstances such as needing to borrow money or going bankrupt:

Create A Budget

One of the most crucial components of money management for students abroad is budgeting. Make yourself a daily and weekly budget. Include everything that comes to mind to ensure that no unexpected expenses arise. It’s critical that you factor in the new currency while performing these computations. Prioritize your spending, putting more emphasis on what you require than than what you desire. Knowing what you require will aid in budget planning, and knowing what you desire will aid in budgeting for fun and leisure activities.

Making a budget is maybe the most crucial aspect of money management. You should be aware of how much money you have and how long it will take you to spend it. It is critical that you recognize what will be required costs, such as rent and utilities, and set aside money for them so that you will always have a roof over your head.

It can be difficult to estimate how much money you will need for miscellaneous expenses such as transportation, healthcare, books, and so on because you are in a new financial system with a new currency. However, it is critical to set aside a specific amount for this, or you may end up spending more than you can afford.

Start with your current financial situation and list expenditures accordingly. Include factors like:

  • Monthly rent
  • Food and groceries
  • Credit card bills
  • Phone bills
  • Electricity bills
  • Internet consumption
  • Transportation
  • Insurance payments
  • Toiletries
  • Study material
  • Recreation and travel
  • Personal expenditure

Consider emergencies or unexpected expenses in your plan. Plan on how much you intend to spend and save for the end of the month.

Make An Effort To Bank Wisely

The first thing you should do is look into in money management for students abroad is whether or not your bank has a branch in your area. If it doesn’t, you’ll have to rely on ATMs, where you’ll be charged a percentage of the amount you withdraw as well as a withdrawal fee in most situations. In these situations, it might be prudent to open a bank account with a local bank. You might also use online banking.

Spend Like A Local

Learn about the manner of life in the area. Try not to be taken advantage of by local sellers. Different trading cultures exist in different nations. If you comprehend and learn about them as soon as possible, you will profit. Make friends with a local and learn where to find the cheapest groceries and stationery. In the first few months, try to spend as little as possible to get a sense of how much it takes to merely get by. Gaining some insight on your spending habits might be beneficial. This is another principles in money management for students abroad.

Be Aware Of The Exchange Rate

You’ll note that the conversion rate on local currency shows you how much your items will cost in US dollars when you spend money overseas (excluding any fees). Furthermore, because exchange rates fluctuate, it is hard to predict how much a future international purchase would cost. This is an important part in money management for students abroad.

Many sites on internet provide a currency converter that allows users to quickly compare US dollars to foreign currencies.

Be Smart With Your Money

One of the major struggles for international student is saving money and trying to not overspend. Being a student who resides and studying far away from home, you must attempt to save the maximum amount money as possible as studying overseas is an expensive affair. Understand the difference between your wants and desires. If you’re confused, make a priority list and spend accordingly.  This is an important part in money management for students abroad.

You’ll be able to reduce your expenses by

• Sharing your living space
• Restricting credit card usage to the least
• Going for used books or digital editions
• Getting local transport passes
• Shopping during holiday sales
• Purchasing from local stores rather than high-end chains

Work Part-Time

Students can supplement their income by doing part-time employment such as freelancing projects or joining paid survey websites, which they can use to pay for tuition and textbooks. Earning money may increase your self-esteem and allow you to have some fun while sticking to your budget. The funds can also be used to repay school loans. Do not miss on this part in money management for students abroad.

Most countries allow international students work part-time for up to twenty hours in an exceedingly week and full-time during semester breaks. Check your student visa if it permits you take up working part time. With a further income, you will be able to manage your expenses well and also learn skills that may look good on your resume. You may have to pay a little tax on what you earn – so, plan accordingly.

Take Advantage Of Your Student Status

Your student status makes you eligible for several discounts on transportation, restaurants, shops, movie tickets, and tourism events. Make arrangements to receive your student card as early as possible so you’ll be able to start using it from the very beginning of your semester. Transportation discounts will facilitate you’re saving many dollars yearly! There are some websites dedicated to offering student vouchers and discounts, so ensure you check those out. This is an important part of money management for students abroad which is not to be missed.

Choose Social Activities Wisely

It is critical to strike a balance between your social and academic lives when studying abroad. It is critical that you maintain a life outside of college. This will be the bane of your foreign life. During the first several months, stay away from costly restaurants and pubs. Instead of dining out, prepare a meal for yourself. That way, you may save money to go out and interact with friends and acquaintances when they invite you.

This means that you just should take care with doing things which may add up to plenty of cash within the long-run. For example, if you usually loaf around friends who like to venture out, dine out and shopping frequently, you’ll find yourself blowing your budget way earlier than expected.

Don’t be ashamed to mention no to certain social events, or suggest a cheaper alternative. If you show your friends that you just are on a travelling budget, they’re going to usually understand that you just cannot always spend plenty of cash. a good yet cheap thanks to socialize is by inviting friends over or visiting their place. Establish a take into account the evening and everybody can contribute in it.

Find Local Entertainment Spots In Your City

When you are in a very new country, there are many fun and exciting places that you just can visit that don’t cost an excessive amount of. You will always find places on the web that are free or cheap to go to. For instance, there are museums and exhibits that are hospitable everyone. You will be able to always check online for promos and deals that you just are going to be able to enjoy at discounted prices.

Being able to avoid wasting up money could be a good thing, but rewarding yourself every once in a while, is also required. Just remember to stay it in check and always attempt to have money concentrated for emergencies and any unforeseen future expenses.

Prepare Your Meals At Home

It is smarter to cook your own food rather than frequently eating out or ordering food to be delivered. In fact, use your eating-out budget to go to an area market and buy fresh ingredients at an inexpensive price. You will be ready to hamper your food budget by 30 – 50% just by this straightforward step. Plus, it’s a way healthier option.
Quick tip: As a student, you’ll not have time to always cook, so a wise option is to settle on to cook in large quantities and keep extra meals within the fridge for reheating after you have to. This way, you don’t need to cook a day.

Beware Of Fraud And Identity Theft

Identity theft is a common occurrence, especially when traveling. So:

  • Notify your bank that you will be traveling overseas.
  • Bring a second bank card in case your original one is suspended or changed.
  • Keep your passport and credit cards separate.
  • Leave a photocopy of your passport at home with a trusted person, and keep a copy with you (in case your actual passport gets lost or stolen).
  • Carry only a little amount of cash with you on a daily basis. When you withdraw a significant sum of money from an ATM, store the majority of it in a safe place where you’ll be staying and just carry what you need.
  • Only use ATMs in well-lit locations. If you detect anything strange, leave.
  • Stick with reputable financial institutions.

Hence this is an important lesson in money management for students abroad.

Go For A Ride

If your university or school is accessible, get yourself a bicycle and ride your way down. This would save on your transportation money and it is a healthier and cheaper option.


To conclude, if you lay your ground rules while spending money and stick to your budget as much as possible, you will not have to worry about graduating with huge debts. Plus, it will also make you money wise ahead of time besides understanding how to handle responsibilities.

As you can see, when it comes to financing your education, as well as your living arrangements and needs, financial management should not be overlooked. As a result, we believe that by following these suggestions, you will be able to better manage your personal finances and prevent financial hardship while studying abroad.

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